Monday, July 20, 2015

85,000 Spiritually Hungry People Expected at MegaFest 2015

This year I will be reporting at MegaFest 2015 presented by T.D. Jakes. My primary focus will be reporting on the International Faith and Family Film Festival. My other primary focus will be covering the event, its leaders, and all participants in prayer. If you joined me during SXSW, in prayer, you know it made a supernatural difference and was amazing!

Approximately 85,000 spiritually hungry people will descend upon Dallas, Texas August 19th through the 23rd. Last year the event hosted 75,000 and over 20 states and 31 countries were represented.

Mind boggling when you consider the ripple effect of that many people being fed at one time and then returning back to their respective communities. Imagine, the spiritual warfare that ensues before, during, and after the event. Imagine the increase of victories that can be won if we prayed. The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. Proverbs 15:29

Does anyone else see what I see? Will you join me in prayer for this massive event as the Holy Spirit leads you? A mega event requires a mega prayer covering. Why not support our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ as they host or participate in this event. If you are attending, join me in walking through and praying as the Holy Spirit leads. Feel free to post your prayers and words of encouragement here. As the Holy Spirit leads me I will also post specific points of prayer. Let's see what happens when the Holy Spirit descends upon 85,000 spiritually hungry people destined to be released back into a spiritually hungry globe!

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